Archive for March, 2022

The Comic’s Not Dead

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As a matter of fact, Crystal has been working hard on the final pages of our first issue (technically a double-issue, so first TWO issues) and they should be ready soon! It’s hard to believe we started this site so long ago… we took a break from the comic to work on some other stuff, like having and raising some children. As you may imagine, that took all of our time and energy, but we’re slowly creaking back into motion on this, our other life’s work.

What else has changed in the past almost-decade? The internet and websites. Ours is kinda pretty but woefully outdated in terms of phones / tablets / smart fridges / etc. We’ll be tweaking the website as well that will make it easier to read the comic.

I’ve also been writing and have a solid outline for 20 issues, and full, mostly-finished scripts for the next three issues (and a good jump on the next 2-3 after that). So things are definitely back in motion. If you’ve been with us forever, thanks for your belief in us. If you’re just joining us, don’t hold your breath waiting for updates. But we’re working on it again and, if nothing else, we’ll publish the entire story as a series of novels. It’ll get done one way or the other.

Thanks for reading!